Government Projects

A Commitment to Quality

Government agencies such as the Coast Guard, GSA and US Army Corps of Engineers know that Coast and Harbor delivers on its three key promises:

  • Protecting the owner’s interests
  • Controlling scope, cost, and schedule
  • Providing the very best people and service

Our experience managing projects with green building requirements includes multiple projects that have obtained LEED certification, including Gold and Platinum.

State and Municipal Building Projects

State & Municipal

Government Office Building Projects

Office Buildings


Mixed Building Projects

Other Public Projects




Land Ports of Entry Projects

Land Ports of Entry


Courthouse Projects



General Services Administration Schedule

GSA has contracted with CHA to provide construction management services as part of the GSA Schedule of Services.

The disciplines that CHA can provide under GSA Schedule MAS 541330ENG are:
  • Project management
  • Design review
  • Construction inspection
  • Contract administration and commissioning.

Click here for contract details.

CHA holds various task order contracts for Project/Program Management Services:

  1. GSA National Capital Region BPA – Contract GS-11P-17-DX-A-0003
  2. State of Vermont Task Order Contract for Project Management Services
Coast and Harbor is on the GSA Schedule to provide construction management services